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Autor: Informativna služba CPC
Postavljeno: 15. 12. 2013.

Otvoreno pismo visokim predstavnicima o položaju Crnogorske Pravoslavne Crkve

We respect the differences between all people and believe that diversity contributes to the richness of societies and humanity in general. Everyone, regardless of religion, culture, race, and generation, should work towards global peace and be above politics. Sadly, religious conflicts have led to many serious tragic events throughout history. In order to move forward as a people, we must respect diversity and realize that it is the essence of coexistence and mutual progress. Therefore, we feel obligated to bring to your attention the serious human right and democratic problems that are currently taking place in our native country of Montenegro.



Autor: Informativna služba CPC
Postavljeno: 03. 07. 2012.

Open letter to the Government of Canada and the international community - MOC Toronto council

We the citizens of Canada, members of Montenegrin orthodox church in Canada are presenting our concerns to you and requesting the assistance from the Government of Canada and international community, to engage you on the basis of Human Rights and freedom of Religion. We are requesting that you give the assistance to the Government of Montenegro to resolve the illegal possession of the lands and churches that are historically of the Montenegrin people, the Serbian orthodox church holds the possession illegally as of 1921.



Autor: Informativna služba CPC
Postavljeno: 31. 12. 2011.

Čestitka Crkvenog odbora Toronto povodom novogodišnjih i Božićnih praznika

Primite naše iskrene čestitke i najljepše želje za srećne praznike. Vrijeme praznika obiluje prilikama kad rodjaci, poznanici i prijatelji svih vjera i ubjedjenja śede za isti astal te daruju jedni drugima oprost, ljubav, pažnju i poštovanje.



Autor: Informativna služba CPC
Postavljeno: 25. 02. 2011.

Čestitka Crkvenog odbora Toronto povodom formiranja Crkvene opštine Danilovgrad

Dragi Vladiko,
Vama, sveštenstvu i vjernicima CPC
Od srca čestitamo formiranje Crkvene opštine Danilovgrad i želimo srećan rad novopostavljenom parohu, protojereju stavroforu Jovanu Tomoviću.



Autor: Informativna služba CPC
Postavljeno: 11. 01. 2011.

Crkveni Odbor iz Toronta je pokrenuo incijativu za pomoć postradalim od poplava u Crnoj Gori

In autumn 2010, Montenegro has suffered the worst floods in history that forced thousands to abandon their homes and caused unprecedented damage to crops and property... We urge all the people of good will to get involved in this project in accordance with their capabilities and assist those citizens of Montenegro who due to heavy flooding are in dire need of help...



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Autor: J.P.
Postavljeno: 11. 07. 2016.

Zločince će Bog nagraditi po zaslugama

Mitropolit Mihailo poslao je gradonačelniku Srebrenice i Reisu Islamske zajednoce BiH pismo koje će biti javno pročitano u Potočarima, na obilježavanju 21 godine od stradanja civila u Srebrenici.


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